यथायोग्य व्यवहार करना - yathayogy vyavahar karna meaning in hindi

Suggested :
मंच पर होने वाल् | onstage |
2000 Bryan played onstage with "The Who" at the "Royal Albert Hall". | |
देखभाल करना | keep |
What we will keep is another matter'". | |
अभिनिर्माण | charge |
The BMC is in charge of the civic and infrastructure needs of the metropolis. | |
घुमेर | circuit |
His redesign of the Hockenheim circuit in Germany for example | |
चित्रण | tracing |
Beckett was tracing the outlines of an Irish poetic modernist canon. |
yathayogy vyavahar karna
अक्षरों की संख्या: 21 व्यंजन मात्रासहित ।
Transliterate in english :
yathaayogya vyavahaara karanaa
Related spellings : yathaayogy vyavahaar karana,yathayogy vyavahar karana
Related spellings : yathaayogy vyavahaar karana,yathayogy vyavahar karana
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